Monday, September 24, 2007

KIDCARE.MOBI IS FOR SALE! is the one stop mobile search for all things related to child care or to find doctors or report child abuse by zip code. This site is awesome and it has daily traffic of around 20 to 30 hits a day.I love it but cant keep it. I have a new baby and bills need paid.This site is listed in ,Yahoo,Goggle,and many other .mobi listing sites. Also my sister in law works for child services and has mass mailed this site to all employees and they are starting to use it regularly. This site has great advertisement potential and will only become more valuable over time.

The site is hosted at Godaddy and has a year lrft on the hosting plan with a year on the domain name as well.

This site is an Ebay auction ends Tues Sept 25th!!